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Judo in the Dojo!

One of our pupils wrote up her experience and enjoyment about doing judo.

“Doing Judo with Nic was amazing, I had so much fun and felt really good afterward. Before we even started Nic made me feel really comfortable and safe. I didn’t know anything about Judo so everything was new for me and I was worried about if I would be any good, but Nic made me feel like I was good at it already! 

We started with some stretches to warm us up but Nic made them really fun, it didn’t feel like exercise at all it felt like a game. After that Nic told me all about what Judo is and about her experience with it. It was so interesting, and I was amazed by how long she has been doing Judo! It was really nice to hear that as I felt like I was getting the best teacher! She also showed me the different belts and what you need to learn to get them. At first, I thought Judo was so hard but after practicing a bit with Nic I felt more confident. I learned more than 3 moves in the first session! After we tidied away, we also did cool down together, it was nice to stretch and chat after rolling around everywhere! I was very sweaty and very happy. 

I think if anyone is unsure about if they want to go to Judo, or they think they can’t do it, I say if you go at least once you’ll be able to see how amazing it is! Everyone was really patient, and kind and it was a great experience for me.” 

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