Referral information for young people is shared with our Head of Wellbeing and Clinical Psychologist who provides a psychological formulation of the young person and provides the best ways of working, reflected from the information provided.
Additionally, young people are encouraged to engage in our psychological assessments to measure their coping and resiliency. These self-assessments are reported upon by our Clinical Psychologist and information shared with the Wellbeing Team and Residential Home to provide a richer picture of the young person and build upon their psychological profile.
Upon placement in one of our residential homes the parent/carer of social worker is requested to complete an Initial Assessment and Treatment Plan this is shared with the Wellbeing Team and is utilised in identifying a young persons areas of strengths and development. Additionally, this is used to implement a young persons Psychological Targets.
Every six months the staff are requested to complete an Assessment and Treatment Plan to monitor any progression or areas of decline that need to be addressed. Furthermore, young people are encouraged to engage in completing their Revised Anxiety and Depression Scape Assessment as well as their Keyworker to support in identifying an effective and meaningful Keyworking Agenda.
The Wellbeing Team will review Keyworking, Psychological Targets and Primary Aims and compile a report of findings and recommendations.
Provides support to young people who are currently disengaged and disillusioned with the educational system in bridging that gap and being instrumental in supporting them back into education. This can be utilised to provide families and the Local Authority with a detailed assessment of a young person’s needs.
The Wellbeing Team utilise an embedded consultation model to provide a therapeutic approach in returning the young person to a learning environment, supporting them to develop academically, but also develop resilience and coping strategies to support barriers that often impact engagement.
The young person will undertake thorough assessments using a variety of standardised and non-standardised tests, including cognitive assessments, and comprehensive reports and recommendations compiled to support future engagement and learning success upon completion of the 12-week programme.
All staff that join the White Trees Group will be invited to an Induction Training Programme. Three days are facilitated by the Head of Wellbeing covering White Trees Ethos, Professional Boundaries, Developmental Trauma, CBT, Behaviour Management and how to understand the Wellbeing Model within White Trees Homes.
Additional training is provided to further develop staffs understanding of challenging behaviour such as self-harm, cognitive and dialectical behavioural therapy, understanding attachment and autism and how to observe and report behaviours.
Staff are able to request Reflective Supervisions with our Head of Wellbeing through direct referral or through their Line Manager, additional support can be requested from our Assistant Psychologists on supporting Keyworking Agendas and areas of additional bespoke training required.
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